Saturday, October 16, 2010

Soul Sisters

I always wanted to have a big family. When I was younger, I envisioned myself with five kids. In a perfect world, I imagined three girls and two boys. What I didn't foresee was the fact that I wouldn't become a mother until I turned thirty-three. After that late start, I'm grateful that I had two, especially because I got to experience the joy of having both a boy and a girl. My son has been an amazing gift. Never having had a brother, he taught me about all the typical boy stuff and we now have an incredible bond that I wouldn't trade for anything. My only regret is that I wasn't able to provide my daughter with a sister.

Yesterday, I spent the day with my own sister. We hit Panera for something to eat and then an early movie where we admired the acting chops (and shirtless body) of one Josh Duhamel. We then walked around Costco before heading back to her place where we solved many problems of the world sitting at the kitchen table. On the ride home, I thought about our fifty-six year relationship and wondered how someone who had once caused me so much irritation could have turned into the best friend anyone could ever have.

As children we rode the sibling roller coaster. Only fourteen months apart, we started out as playmates and partners in crime. Later, in our teenage years, my need to mother and critique her every move drove us apart. It wasn't until her marriage that we started growing closer. We have helped each other through marriage(s), kids, job changes, overseas moves, financial difficulties and health problems. She is the kindest, most supportive person I have ever met. She's a much better listener (and secret keeper) than her sister and there isn't a mean bone in her body. I can honestly say that there's no one I'd rather spend time with than the little sister at whom I once threw a metal spatula. I am annoyed, however, that she got closer to having that once envisioned perfect family. She was lucky enough to have four kids. One of them, her only daughter, has assumed the role of big sister to my deprived firstborn.

Guess my little sis had my back on that one, too.


  1. This was so unexpected...and such a beautiful surprise! I sat down at the computer to feed my usual facebook addiction, read my emails, and check on the blogs I follow...never expecting to see one honoring MOI!!! I know it always seems to take forever to mesh our schedules, and spend a day together, but when we finally do, I always find myself wondering why we don't find a way, come hell or high water, to do it more often! I am so blessed to have you for my sister as well, always on my side and looking out for me or someone in my family. You certainly made my day with this! I love you so much, big sis!! xoxoxo

  2. ....but don't ever think for a second that I'm gonna forget you threw that thing at me! You could have taken out my eye!!! ;-)
