Sunday, June 19, 2011

Here's to Dads

This blog is normally about the adventures of motherhood. Today I'm going to give dads their due.

I've had the great opportunity to closely observe two very different styles of fathering in my life. My own dad, raised with six sisters, has always been in touch with his emotional side. He's smart, funny and as generous as Mother Teresa. Like most dads he's taught me about sports, finances, home repair and car maintenance. But, thanks to those sisters, he's been an unending source of support and encouragement.

My children's father brings his own gifts to the party. He's more rational than emotional but is still quick with words of praise and never shy about hugs. He values order and organization (something his wife continues to work on). His strength and determination, hard work and preparation have inspired our kids to set goals and believe in their ability to do anything they set their minds to. They can ask him about any subject from business to bougainvilleas and he'll usually have an answer. Since he's the most talented person I know, they can ask him how to do just about anything and he'll be able to tell them.

My kids are so lucky to have these two men in their lives. And so am I.

1 comment:

  1. Coleen: got your comment on coolkayaker1 blog, and I have to say, I'm delighted that you are editing your Nanonovel. Outstanding! I'm working on about four short pieces (4000 words each, approx) now for contests and lit mags. Although I've clearly determined that the slap-dash pace of NanoWriMo is not for me, that is not to say that November is a wash: I adore the communal spirit fo writers helping writers. I will likely be at some events and write-ins and hope to see you there, Coleen. Your fellow scribe, Steve
