Monday, June 10, 2013

Be Italian

When you're getting back into the swing of things after a long vacation, you've got to appreciate the small pleasures of being back home. And since this wasn't exactly a pampered beach getaway complete with limitless drinks adorned with colorful paper umbrellas, I'll admit to being grateful that I'm back in the land of escalators, inexpensive restaurants and no-smoking signs. I'm also glad to have returned to reality just as my favorite season gets ready to make an appearance. Our last big trip ended in October which made facing the prospect of a Chicago winter an added hurdle to getting over the "home-from-vacation-blues". Spring getaways make for a softer return landing.

So, after getting used to eating nothing but fresh, cooked-from-scratch meals loaded with colorful fruits and vegetables for weeks, I'm determined to keep the magic going. I'm making salads every night, complete with homemade dressing and have gotten into the habit of serving small glasses of sparkling water (I think it's mandatory at every meal but breakfast in Europe) and slightly larger glasses of red wine with every dinner. We've kept the pasta thing going but have now thrown grilled fish or chicken into the mix. Tonight, we split a grilled steak with Caprese salad and sauteed potatoes and mushrooms. We're trying to eat as many meals as we can on our deck (it may not have a view of the ocean but it is pretty peaceful). We listen to the birds, talk, and keep the television off as much as possible (yes to the Hawks' playoff games; no to "The Bachelorette").

Maybe that's the secret. Maybe vacations are supposed to help you figure out the secrets to living the other fifty weeks of the year. They shake up your routine, expose you to other cultures' ways of doing things and give you some insight into what's really important to you.

We may not be able to live our lives on vacation but no one can stop us from bringing a little of our vacations into our lives.

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