This is the week out of the year that I used to love. When our kids were little we often took amazing trips to warm, sunny beaches where I indulged my love of Pina Coladas before noon and made my way through two or three bestsellers in seven days. These days, my longest trip is walking down the driveway to retrieve the soggy newspaper that reminds me that the temperature in Cancun yesterday was 82 degrees.
Now that our kids are adults, we don't have to live by the school calendar. That's a good thing. We can pick up and go any time we want to. With that kind of freedom, you'd think we would be on the move on a regular basis. It's not just lack of funds that are keeping us housebound. It's the fact that we don't have to put vacations on the calendar anymore; we don't have to schedule time to be together the way we used to. My husband and I see each other ALL the time. We've gone from living on different continents to seeing each other 24/7. Still, I wish we could get the four of us together one last time for one big blowout vacation. I miss the enforced family time that a trip to a foreign country guarantees. When you're the foreigner, it's amazing how eagerly you cling to the people you previously scorned. I suppose I'll just have to rely on my rosy memories of vacations past and accept the fact that we may have shared our last all-inclusive bonanza. But all is not lost. I do have something to look forward to. We have a big family wedding coming up next April. Too bad it's in California. Everybody there speaks English.
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