Tuesday, March 15, 2011

There But For the Grace

For the last few days we've been shown a steady stream of images from hell. What the people of Japan are going through is hard to imagine but the pictures of devastation and loss can't help but encourage all of us to hold our loved ones a little closer. Hearing stories of children ripped out of their mothers' arms or seeing an old man standing on the remnants of his roof as it drifts out to sea has a way of putting things into perspective.

But why does it take tragedy to make us appreciate our blessings? Are we so wrapped up in our day to day routines that we can't stop doing long enough to just be? Are we so addicted to stimuli that we are unable to tolerate quiet? I don't know. It seems to be so easy these days to lose sight of what's important; so easy to forget that our days on this planet are numbered. Do we really want to be spending them texting, surfing the internet and talking incessantly on our cell phones? God, I hope not.

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