There are so many things I miss about having small children in my home - snuggling in bed with a book, the sound of secretive giggling, building with Legos, baking cookies - I could go on and on. One of the things that would not be on that list is going-back-to-school-shopping. Oh, I liked the going back to school part; after a long, chaotic summer I was always excited about that, but the pre-first-day-of-school buying frenzy? That wild goose chase was as much fun as attending a comedy concert in Japanese.
When I see all the harried moms (where are those equal custody dads in all this fun?) tearing around Target and Wal-Mart, looking for the last three-ring binder with pockets in the Tri-State area, I feel nothing but relief. Thank God I don't have to do that anymore. When I see them forking over $100 for one of those graphing calculators that is now collecting dust in my son's closet, I do my best to give them a sympathetic nod. Yeah, I've been there. I know what you're feeling. 'Hang in there', I want to say. 'Soon you'll be able to spend your money on a mani/pedi or a nice dinner out with your husband.' But I don't. I wouldn't want to derail their quest with idle chitchat. I just flash a compassionate smile and get the hell out of their way.
And then I head straight to those cushy chairs and warm, bubbling foot bath that's waiting for me in that nice, little salon that's just around the corner.
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