Monday, May 5, 2014

A Tale of Two Siblings

Every time I happen to catch a snippet of the 19 Kids and Counting TV show, I can't help wondering what it would have been like to have had more siblings. Having just grown up with one sister, I can only imagine what life would have been like to share bedrooms/bathrooms/parents with a boatload of other kids.

I'm sure being part of a large family would have its ups (always having someone to hang out with, always having someone to blame) and downs (jockeying for attention, not being able to afford taking a big clan on vacation) but the idea of having an additional sibling or two gathered around the Christmas tree was one that always sounded pretty appealing.

And then there is reality.

While it would be nice if every family behaved as unselfishly as that Duggar brood, the truth is many families just don't get along. For one reason or another, siblings who had once been buddies sadly grow up to fight about money, parental responsibilities, material possessions and misplaced loyalties. They betray trusts, break promises, and neglect communication. They can be consumed with jealousy and greed, taking actions that break their families into a million little pieces.

When you hear about familial discord in the news, you can shake your head in disbelief. When it happens to people you care about, it breaks your heart. It also makes you stop and take stock of your own relationships.

I thank God every day for the unbreakable relationship I have with my one and only sibling (since I highly doubt that either one of my 84 year-old parents will provide me with another.) I know you can be certain of very little in this world (never getting another perm can safely claim a spot on my list) but I cannot envision any scenario that would break the bond I have with the wonderful woman I'm lucky enough to call my sister. No amount of money, no amount of stuff and no man (short of Ryan Reynolds) would be reason enough to jeopardize the relationship I have with her.

I only wish everyone in my life could be so fortunate.

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