Thursday, February 4, 2016

Until You Use Me Up

It's no secret that America is known to be a little bit wasteful. From food to fossil fuels; water to electricity we have (rightfully) gained a reputation around the world as a nation who squanders its resources with little regard for the consequences. As a public service I have decided to do something about it - I have resolved that 2016 will be the year that I will not purchase any additional toiletries, cosmetics, or personal care items until I finish every one of the one hundred and twenty-seven partially used items that now dwell in my bathroom cabinet.

Okay. I know this grandiose pronouncement isn't going to challenge Al Gore's or Bill Gates's contributions to our environment but everyone has to do their part, right? And think about all the time I'll save not clipping coupons or searching for the "perfect" lipstick when I can combine any of the seventy-eight colors residing in my fourteen make-up bags into a different color every day. Think of the gas I won't be wasting driving to Ulta to "buy two/get two free" or the money I'll save not being hoodwinked into thinking that the latest gel foundation will finally make my skin look flawless or that expensive under-eye cream that Cindy Crawford swears by will return me to me twenty-something glory.

Yes, while others may fall prey to the constant encouragement to indulge in conspicuous consumption, I know what I will be doing. I will be finishing that quarter bottle of Tresemme on the shelf and polishing off the last remnants of that hotel conditioner that smells like coconut. I will be sorting through and consuming any product I find that hasn't been in that cabinet since the nineties. And I will be reveling in every tube, jar, and bottle that I can deposit in the recycling bin. 

And then? It might be time to start clipping those coupons again.

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