Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Colonoscopy!

I put it off for years. Every time the doctor reminded me that I still hadn't followed his recommendation to add this procedure to my "to do" list I was ready with my excuses; lousy insurance, too busy, can't afford it, no history in my family. But this year, thanks to my son's unexpected appendectomy, the main excuse was gone. We met our deductible. I made the appointment.

The specialist failed to fall for my last attempt at weaseling out of what I knew needed to be done. Even though our deductible was met in August, I didn't call his office until the first of December. When I told him that I had to get in before the end of the year, he didn't flinch. 'Of course we can get you in', he said. 'And we can fit your husband in, too.' Damn. Just my luck to find a dedicated professional who put patients care (and wallets) ahead of his Christmas plans.

So, that's how I found myself flushing out my colon one week before Christmas. The procedure, as anyone who has had one would undoubtedly agree, was nothing. You take a trip to la-la land and babble some incoherent ramblings that will amuse your loved ones when you wake up. The day before prep was something I could have done without, but, let's face it, one day of the holidays away from the cookie tins can't be all bad.

I never did convince my husband to join me. I guess togetherness has its limits. But, he doesn't know what he's missing. After a month of exams, blood work, a bone density test, a mammogram and a colonoscopy, I'm going in to the New Year with a relatively clean bill of health and a sense of gratitude that I didn't waste the opportunity my son so lovingly provided me. Not a bad Christmas gift.

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