Friday, February 3, 2012

Answered Prayers

Watching your child struggle is the hardest thing a parent has to do. Having the strength and conviction not to step in and make it all better is the second hardest thing. Being there with support and encouragement as she figures it out for herself, well, as Master Card so aptly put it, that's priceless.

Patience is not my thing. Ask anyone who knows me. I'm definitely not one of those 'measure twice, cut once' kind of gals. One of the worst side effects of that character flaw is that I can be prone to dropping boatloads of subtle hints and reminders (otherwise known as nagging) if the people I live with aren't doing something fast enough for my taste. Finding out that no amount of pleading, cajoling, bribing, etc. could help my child turn her car out of a dead end street any faster has been a tough lesson to learn. When I finally accepted that, I had to do what I thought was impossible.

I had to turn everything over to a higher power.

The past seven days have been nothing short of a miracle. In all honesty, I can't say that I prayed and the next day everything was better but I am convinced that months of prayer from multiple sources have brought the people, resources and strength needed to bring my child to the place she's standing today.

Call it whatever you want but, seeing what's happened to my family over the last week, I'm calling it a divine intervention.

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