Monday, February 6, 2012

Bumps in the Road

It would be nice if getting from Point A to Point B was as easy as it sounds; if a magic carpet could swoop in and transport you from the spot you're standing to the distant place you want to be. Unfortunately, that mode of transportation is limited to Disney characters so the rest of us have to stumble our way through difficult times as best we can. Decades of dealing with life's ups and downs have a way of showing you that trials, though certainly unwelcome, are often the gateway to wisdom and growth but helping your child come to terms with that reality has proven even more difficult than learning it firsthand.

As I've previously written, our family has been riding a positive wave the past couple of weeks as we've watched our eldest child make great strides in a personal struggle. Though we all wanted to believe that the progress would continue in a straight line, we were realistic enough to know that that was unlikely. All we could do as parents was to be prepared when our child hit that inevitable pothole; to be there with the right words, the right encouragement to help her keep her eye on the prize.

Today, we had to do just that.

When our child's fragile confidence took a momentary nosedive we had to be ready with the support she needed. I'm happy to say that within a couple of hours, the worst of the storm had passed. But we know we're far from home free. We know there will be other challenges in the days ahead but we are united in our goal We're going to have to take one day at a time.

And we're going to keep an eye out for those potholes.


  1. Coleen, you sure have a way with words. Vivid and clear. I see the Naperville Meetup group has a new host, Matrina. I can't go bc they meet on Wednesdays, but you should consider it. Your friend, Steve.

    1. Hey Steve,
      Missed you this year at NaNoWriMo. Not sure what you're referring to. Is that a writer's group? The Journey (NaNoWriMo's writer's group) meets once a month in the Municipal building where the kick-off was. We're meeting tomorrow, Feb. 11 at 11:45 a.m. I'm giving a presentation on publishing options. Stop by if you can. Otherwise, stay in touch. I hope your novel is one step closer to reality. I'm almost done with my revision. I'd love your feedback.

  2. Hi, Coleen. Wow, you're giving the presentation, that's super! I'm only around on weekends, so I guess I'll have to miss your talk (big frowny face here). Yes, you're right, I found that I'm a die-hard outliner and slow writer, so my days of NanoWriMo are history. But, if you're still doing The Journey, that is wonderful, too. I checked their schedule, and I'm just not around enough to attend. The other groups is on, and it's the Naperville Writers Meetup, free, and they meet Wednesdays at B&N Naperville, and sometimes Nichols Library. I'm in the group, but again, arrgh, not in Naperville on weekdays. You should at least google it and see if it's something you'd be interested in. And, as always, I'd adore reading anything you write. Yours, Steve

  3. P.S. Oops, Feb 11 was a weekend. I was not around, unfortunately for me. I hope--wait, I know--you knocked it out of the park.
