Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Make Me Laugh . . . Please

Maybe it's the state of the economy; maybe it's the heat.  I'm not quite sure what it is but I know there's nothing I appreciate more these days than a good laugh.  I don't consider myself a shallow person but forgive me for not racing off to see the latest thought-provoking film from Iran.  I do love to read but excuse my ignorance for not rushing out to the bookstore to buy the latest heart-wrenching bestseller that will send me into a depression for a week.  What I can get excited about is the prospect of hearty laughter.  Go ahead, be the first in line to see The Dark Knight Rises; I'll see you in the theater when that new Will Ferrell, Zach Galifinakis movie, The Campaign opens.

I always did appreciate a sense of humor.  If a perspective boyfriend laughed at one of George Carlin's routines or thought Mel Brooks' latest film was a work of genius, he was in.  I didn't waste my time on anyone who took life too seriously.  And I still try hard not to.  Life's challenges go down a whole lot easier with a smile on your face. Maybe that's why I have a couple of sitcom episodes at the ready on my DVR and usually end my day with an episode or two of The King of Queens or Everybody Loves Raymond on TVland.

If I'm distressed about the budget deficit, I turn on The Daily Show.  If I want to scream over the latest political scandal, I check out a Brian Regan CD from the library.  If my kids are driving me crazy, I read the latest Zits cartoon.

Getting a good laugh in the middle of all the insanity may not help but it sure as hell doesn't hurt.

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