Friday, December 21, 2012

The Inmates are Running the Asylum

Today the NRA finally spoke. They had promised a meaningful response to last week's tragedy and today their top lobbyist, Wayne LaPierre, held a news conference to offer his group's recommendation to end mass shootings in our schools. Anyone who held out hope that this latest, most horrifically senseless crime against our nation's children would have softened the NRA's stance on semi-automatic weapons or, at the very least, the capacity of the magazines that are loaded into them, was reminded of this group's phenomenal lack of common sense and compassion as soon as Mr. LaPierre opened his mouth. His brilliant solution? He wants an armed guard in front of every one of our schools.  He actually had the nerve to say that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.


Every time I think the NRA has sunk to a new low, they find a way to top themselves. How can anyone think more guns are the answer? How can anyone believe that putting armed guards in front of schools would make our children feel safer? How can anyone still think assault weapons designed for the military capable of shooting 4-6 bullets per second should be guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment as an individual right? It's insanity. The only saving grace in the whole ridiculous news conference was the fact that LaPierre did himself and his group of Congress-hijacking bullies no favors. The woman who interrupted his idiotic remarks with a banner proclaiming the NRA has our children's blood on their hands got it right. Hopefully, the people of Newtown, Connecticut will lead the rest of us to find a way to make our voices louder than those of the most powerful special interest group in Washington.

That's the only way to stop the bad guys with the guns.

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