Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Twelve, Twelve, Twelve

Okay. The next time we're going to have a cool date like this, we'll all be dead so let's enjoy this one, shall we. I know it's a big day for people to get married and parents are beside themselves if their kid managed to pop out on such a "lucky" day but for me 12/12/12 only means one thing - there are only twelve more shopping days until Christmas.

For any of you who've been reading my blog for awhile, you know that my love affair with Christmas has waned a bit in the last few years. I used to get as excited as the next person (unless the next person happens to be my nephew's new wife, Erin) but three decades of hauling in heavy trees and excavating endless boxes up from the basement are enough to knock the bloom off of any rose (or should I say berries off of any holly?). But this year, I've got to get my act together; we all have to get our act together. The aforementioned Erin is coming to town. And anything less than a Hallmark movie spectacular will make a lousy first impression on our family's Christmas Queen.

So, we're going to do it up big. We're hopping on the Christmas train, going in to the city to see the lights and windows. We're going to the Walnut Room at Macy's, we're decorating a tree together at Nana and Papa's place and we're all staying overnight to wake up together on Christmas morning. After tearing through packages and scarfing down an indulgent breakfast, we're heading off to weep profusely at the noon showing of "Les Miz". It sounds exhausting. But it also sounds like fun - the kind of fun I used to look forward to every year when my kids were little.

Now I just need to figure out what the heck I'm putting under that damn tree.

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