Friday, March 1, 2013

The Little Things

I have to admit, my last blog was an indulgent trip to the pity pot. I wrote it late at night (always a mistake) after a nasty argument with one of my kids. I was hurt, tired and frustrated - a trifecta that rarely results in anything positive. If I had just said a prayer and gone to bed like I should have, I would have saved myself a lot of grief.

The next day, nothing seemed as dire as it had the night before (just like my mother always told me it would). When the alarm went off, I knew I had a choice - I could wallow in self-pity or give myself (and everyone else) a break and choose to be joyful. Guess which one I chose?

If you're open to it, it's not hard. There's a lot in life to be joyful about - a friend's thoughtfulness, an exciting Blackhawks victory, the humor of Stephen Colbert, a glass of good red wine, a late-nite Facebook chat with your sister. I took advantage of all of them because you never know which one is going to do the trick.

And if all else fails, there's always cupcakes.

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