Monday, March 11, 2013

Why Can't I . . .?

Most of the time when I write one of these, I can't think of anything to write about but today's different. I actually found myself wondering about all this stuff today and figured there was no better way to get this out of my system than to burden other people (namely my friends and family) with my insecurities. So, here goes:

1.  Why can't I like natural peanut butter as much as I like Skippy?
2.  Why can't I stop obsessing about when I'm going on another cruise?
3.  Why can't I stop performing menial tasks in the dark? (I'm not being frugal, just lazy)
4.  Why can't I like hummus like every other woman I know?
5.  Why can't I find The Big Bang Theory funny? (Annoying, yes; funny, no)
6.  Why can't I finish editing the novel I wrote more than two years ago?
7.  Why can't I call my friends more often?
8.  Why can't I find Johnny Depp remotely sexy?
9.  Why can't I force myself to go to bed before midnight? (Okay, before one)
10. Why can't I figure out how to win the lottery so I can go back to Italy every year?
11. Why can't I be more interested in politics? (Oh, I know this one - it's too depressing)
12. Why can't I stop myself from tuning in to see who The Bachelor picks? (Yeah, that's right. I'll
       be watching tonight - don't you dare judge me!)
13. Why can't I stop eating something sweet late at night?
14. Why can't I be a better housekeeper? (Good at cooking, lousy at cleaning)
15. Why can't I make a list and stick to it? (My husband wants the answer to this one as well)
16. Why can't I find a single fitted sheet for my king-sized bed (that doesn't cost a couple of
      days' pay)?
17. Why can't I stop "reminding" my kids to do things?
18. Why can't I care about texting?
19. Why can't I exercise more?
20. Why can't I write this damn blog EVERY Monday, Wednesday and Friday????

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